Monday, December 3, 2018

Blog Post 4: The Target Audience (Males and Females Aged 16-25)

It was important for me to research this in order to know what appeals to my target audience, and how this can be exploited through both adverts.

Our target audience is unisex people of age 16-25 years old. There are different sub-groups of people in this category, however many of these share similar traits. Some of these people live with their parents, mainly the younger ages, and the rest live alone or with friends. Most people in this age group have a distinct lack of money, and find ways of living with minimal outgoing costs. Therefore, when it comes to take-away food delivery services, the cost is a very important factor. The target audience have varying amounts of free time, but a trend among them concerning this topic is that the service needs to be both easy and convenient. If the service has a difficulty of use, they will tend to move onto another method of getting food for themselves. 

Questions I used in the survey
To find out more I surveyed 5 people
Nico, (brother aged 24)
Ben, (Classmate aged 16)
Ellie, (Classmate aged 17)
Alex, (Neighbour aged 22)
Emily, (family friend aged 30)

Through this survey  I found that this was one of the predominant reason people use take-away food delivery services. However, the main reason people used them is due to the quick delivery. I gathered from my research that if a brand failed to deliver their food in a short time span, then the consumer would tend to switch over to a different brand for the next order. From analysing this data I can conclude that for my own brand it would be highly beneficial to advertise the high speed of the order, and the extreme ease of use of it.

My Notes on Target audience from google docs
This research helped me a great deal in finding a unique selling point for my brand, as I knew what the most important aspects were for the target audience concerning take-away food delivery services. It also allowed me to find impact ways of appealing to the target audience as I knew what they liked and didn't like when it came to buying habits.

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